Please enjoy this masterful, simple, yet very profound piece by “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean”

Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean

We wonder at the Universe, Galaxy, Planets, Great Individuals, Buildings, Architecture, Spacecrafts, Latest Technologies, Tablets, Smart phones, … We start wondering at everything around us. But we rarely shift the focus towards us (inside us) and wonder about our Self. If we start wondering at our Self and try to know our Source, the Divine principle inside us, we might be able to answer every principle in the Universe. Lets take a baby step towards knowing our Self.

Our Body is the masterpiece of creation with marvelous engineering and supreme perfection! Without a doubt, the most complex information-processing system in existence!

Our Mind is the most  complex machine on the world and unknown mystery for the most. If we know to control our Mind, we are the Emperor the world!

Our Soul, the divine principle inside us is the only true source of intelligence; it is Self-evident; it shines…

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Filed under Whatchamacalit

4 responses to “

  1. Thank you for reposting it.

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