
This site is an exercise in Being through the sharing of words, ideas, images and art.

48 responses to “About

  1. Victoria Pitts-Taylor

    thanks for your blog **

  2. What a wonderful place I’ve just entered into. Full of light, life and love. Sharon

  3. Thank you for finding me! I’m so happy to find you as well, and look forward to sharing more in the future! Namaste, Leslee

  4. Pingback: Awards Awards Awards… « THROUGH THE HEALING LENS

  5. Thanks for your blogging!

    • Thanks for reading!! I just subscribed to your gorgeous blog, and look forward to reading your content. One of your lovely images (black birds flying in a clouded sky) reminded me a really poignant scene from Siegfried Lenz’s, The German Lesson. I read it over 20 years ago, and have never forgotten the passage (the painter/child’s exquisite metaphorical description of flocks of birds flying over the beach). I am now inspired to read it again. Thanks!!

  6. Ahhh, what loveliness you write here! I am blessed to have found you! Lisa

  7. Ooops, and I just added your blog to my blogroll. 🙂

  8. intuitiveone

    Just found your site. It’s lovely and look forward to reading more!

  9. I am so glad I found this blog! There is so much to think and learn. Namaste from India. Best wishes.

  10. My dear Zen! It seems like ages since we last wrote eventhough it was just over the weekend over butternut soup 😀 I hope all is good and looking forward to your next post! Love to all at home. Shaz xx

    • It does seem like a long time, doesn’t it? I was just wondering how you are doing this morning as I was taking Syd for a leg-stretch in our lovely courtyard. I’ve been relatively unplugged the last few days, and it was so heart-warming to read your note. I send you lots of love!! Haven’t had a chance yet to make your lovely soup (I’ve been trying to stay off my feet due to a little back injury), but I really look forward to getting back into the kitchen and trying it out. How are you doing, my friend?

  11. Thank you for following me 🙂 Looking forward to following you too.
    ~ Paul

  12. Blood-Ink-Diary

    First, let me thank you for visiting my blog, through which I have happily discovered yours. I am looking forward to exploring your realm in due time. It is an awesome blog you have created and much happiness and success to you. my friend. Blessings to you…keep in touch. Cheers.

    • Thank you, my friend. Your poetry is really courageous and moving. It is a voice we so need to hear. Thank you for sharing your work, and I really look forward to reading your lines. Blessings to you, too, sister.

  13. Very nice blog! Thanks for following my blog. 🙂

  14. hi, good to see your blog. the Tibetan flag behind you in the picture intrigued me being a Tibetan. The pictures in the header are wonderful!

  15. I loved the quote on your header. Buddha’s philosophy is so profound. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  16. Hello there! Just dropping by to say a quick hello and wishing you a fine day! Take care and hope your back is treating you fine. Many hugs. Sharon

    • How lovely to hear from you, dear friend. Made my day. Still in recovery, but doing well. How are you and your family doing? Love your most recent post–so inspiring and helpful!! Our farmer’s market has just re-opened for the summer months, and this week I have been cooking up a storm with all the fresh produce from local farms. So much fun, so colorful. Huge, huge hug and lots of love. Think of you often, friend. xoxo

      • Sooooo good to hear from you and even better to hear that you’re doing good! It’s such a wonderful season isn’t it with all the fresh vegetables and fruits coming out at the farmer’s markets. Oh, what a lovely nourishing way to nurture the body with wholesome, simple foods!!! Sounds really lovely! Our days are getting longer and sunnier now. It’s 10pm and it’s as bright as if it’s only 7pm with a lovely pale pink sunset in the horizon. Everyone’s out and about happy to shrug off winter and embrace the sun! Big hugs to you and thinking of you too!! Take care now and take it easy.

  17. I found your blog through another blog that I was following. After a month of taking this step, I am very pleased to have a neighbor like you. You see, I studied Classics in college and I am always eager to find another that shares that passion. Thanks for following.

    • Oh how wonderful! A fellow Classicist!! Such a terrific pleasure to meet you! Out of curiosity, did you have a favorite author? Mine is any I happen to be reading at the moment, and today, it is Vergil ( reading The Georgics again). I look forward to reading more of your posts! I agree-there is an increasing gap between the political system and the real sentiments and needs of those whom it is meant to serve.

      • A favorite author? I have a former professor who might throw a Latin book at me, but I found Cicero to be quite insightful in politics and his way of swaying the views with his words. However, Virgil and Ovid are a pair from the Augustan time that I love to read when I need to step a little closer to the golden years of Augustus and my favorite figure of the time, Marcus Agrippa. My focus of study was the religious aspects. I studied the development of the religious practices back into Mesopotamia until Constantine. I am currently reading a book at the growth of early Christianity. So, my blog will hit these points on occasion as well as make small comparison with our country and my beloved Rome. From time to time, I may bounce an idea or thought off you for an opinion. Perhaps I might finish learning Ancient Greek someday too. thanks for the encouragement.

  18. Angela, I nominated you for the sunshine award! My turn to honor your work! Love, Lisa

  19. So very pleased to “meet” you, and explore your lovely blog. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  20. Hi Angela–I would love to receive a distance healing from you. Would you be open to trade (either for a clairvoyant reading or distance healing)? If you are interested email me @ juliehansenintuitive@yahoo.com. Have a blessed weekend!-Julie

  21. so nice to meet you and looking forward to reading more of your blogs!

  22. Just to let you know that you have “A Thought Provoking Blog”. See more at http://bennaga.wordpress.com/2012/06/28/just-a-thought/.

  23. ZenSoapbox

    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Here is the link to the post on my site: http://zensoapbox.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/the-one-lovely-blog-award/. Thank you soooo much for your frequent words of inspiration!

  24. Just dropped by, i will come more often to see whats new. keep sharing

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