The Year of a Thousand Cranes

It has been some time since I’ve sat down to write a blog post, and I confess that the greatest reason is that I have spent all my spare time in the last few months planning our D.I.Y. wedding. My partner and I at long last had a beautiful wedding ceremony in a rustic state park in the heart of Virginia’s Cumberland forest. Friends and family surrounded us as we offered blessings and khatags to each other and spoke the following vows:

Do you pledge to help each other to cultivate compassion, patience, and wisdom in all the seasons of life?


Do you pledge to see all circumstances as opportunities to grow, to open your hearts, to accept yourselves, and each other and to generate compassion?


Do you pledge to honor the mystery of each other, even as you seek to understand yourselves, each other, and all living beings?


Do you pledge to examine your own minds continually and to regard all the mysteries of life with curiosity and joy?


Do you pledge to preserve and enrich your affection for each other, and to share it with other beings?


Do you pledge to take the loving feelings you have for one another and your vision of each other’s potential and inner beauty as an example and to radiate this love outwards?


Do you pledge to remember the disadvantages of fear, anger, judgment and clinging attachment, and to apply antidotes when these arise in your minds?

Do you pledge to support each other and help each other deepen the other’s experience of the Tao, holding in your awareness that all things and beings are empty of a separate existence?


Do you pledge to continually return to the awareness of your own Buddha nature and the Buddha nature of all beings?


Do you pledge to continually return to the awareness that all things are impermanent?


Do you pledge to allow this awareness of the impermanence of all things to help you achieve your greatest potential and lasting happiness?


The Japanese tradition of Senbazuru, or the making of a thousand origami paper cranes, is said to bring the maker of them eternal good luck and a blessing or wish come to pass. And, so, I embark for the remainder of the year on making a thousand paper cranes with the intention of inviting the blessing that I may every day remember my vows and remember who I was on that day–a true being connected to every other being by the purest of love–a girl with her heart blown wide open with love and gratitude.


Filed under Whatchamacalit

28 responses to “The Year of a Thousand Cranes

  1. Congratulations Angela…so beautiful…what a wonderful set of vows…much happiness…xoxmeryl

  2. Oh my goodness – congratulations!!! So completely and utterly thrilled for you both. Wishing you all the love and blessings in the world ♥

  3. Beautiful vows! Congratulations, and my hope for every blessing to come your way.

    • Thank you so much, Mark. You are such a clear channel for the movement of divine blessings into this world– your gift of the wish for blessings is felt deeply and I am moved. Thank you and all my best wishes to you and your lovely wife.

  4. Yaz

    Oh Angela, what lovely, lovely vows. I’ve missed your posts, but then, you’ve been away for a good reason. I hope you and your partner are together for eternity!!! Lots of love to you both!

    • Thank you, dear Yaz!! I’ve missed you, too!! We really embrace and appreciate your kind words and well-wishes. The love, support and kindness of our friends means more than we can possibly say. I hope you are well and I look deeply forward to catching up with you and your blog!!

  5. Many congratulations to you both. What lovely vows!

  6. Beautiful. May your union anchor ever more joy on our little planet. This reminds me of a wonderful love poem… here:

  7. Love, good health and happiness to you both !
    Thank you for sharing beauty.
    *** Deep bow ***
    Big smile !

  8. Congratulations, sister! May both of you be always Happy and Well! With metta

  9. what beautiful, incredibly meaningful vows – congratulations!!

  10. I missed you Angela! Welcome back and big congrats!!!!! Hugs-Julie

  11. My dearest Angela,
    I wish you both a thousand years of happiness and beyond…Beautiful vows and blessings. With all my love always, Shaz

    • Thank you, my dear Shaz. A thousand years and beyond–I like that!! You warm my heart. You are such a delightful, radiant being, whose presence on this magnificent earth is felt from half-way around the world. Much, much love, affection and gratitude that our paths have crossed. xoxo -A

  12. Lovely and. Leased. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Congratulations and what beautiful vows. If it’s okay with you I’ll keep a copy of your vows to inspire my wedding couples. All the very best to you both in your marriage. May you be healthy and happy together 🙂

  14. You are most welcome to them, My Beautiful Things. We are humbled that you find them inspiring. Much love, A

  15. Angela, wow, it’s been awhile I guess because I don’t remember reading this post! These vows are exquisite!!! They speak of such intentionality in entering into this commitment. Brian and I wrote our own vows, too. Totally not traditional. We even talked about how we invite others into our kitchen for nourishing their bodies and hearts. So lovely, Angela. Now, to the “work” of living out these vows in your everyday life, right?! I wrote a poem awhile back for a friend (modified from the very personal poem i wrote for Brian one year) about saying yes. I’ll share it here…
    I hope it resonates with you.
    Good to be back!!! Love, Lisa

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