A Thought Provoking Blog Award

Ben Naga was one of the (well-earned) recipients of a new blog award, created by Just a Thought, entitled “A Thought Provoking Blog”.  Ben Naga’s blog is exactly that, so if you haven’t become a regular reader yet, you’re in for a lot of challenging and whimsical consciousness-expanding delights.  I thank you, B.N., for the honor of the nomination, which comes with the pleasurable responsibilities of posting the award-logo and of naming a few other blogs for the award.

There are far too many to possibly name (I am grateful every day for the wise reflections, comments, and images of all my friends and fellow bloggers), but here are a few of blogs whose words and insights have truly helped me to expand my consciousness:

Living in the Now

Julie Hansen Intuitive

Fierce Buddhist

Spiritual Mysticism

The Way Home

The Wondrous Dharma

Known is a Drop, Unknown is an Ocean

As ever, I wish blessings and light upon one and all.


Filed under Whatchamacalit

14 responses to “A Thought Provoking Blog Award

  1. Congrats! Appreciate your kind gesture in nominating my blog. All the very best!! 🙂

  2. You might to edit “A Thought Provoking Bog”. I don’t know about the US, but in the UK “bog” is a slang term for a toilet. 😀 (Once done, you can then delete this comment.)

  3. Thanks for your kind words, Angela, and for expanding the network.

  4. Congratulations for a well deserved award and thank you so much for nominating me! Love-Julie

  5. Thank you so much for my nomination for thewayhome.me. It means so much to get your encouragement. A post is coming soon! 🙂 James

  6. Thank you again, Angela, and congratulations on your nomination. I look forward to your next post. Warmest wishes, James.

  7. Rev Dani Lynn

    Thank you so much Angela, I like being considered ‘thought provoking’. LOL. 🙂

  8. Pingback: A Thought Provoking Blog Award « Spiritual Mysticism

  9. Congratulations dear Angela – this is so well deserved!!! :-).

  10. Pingback: Belated Recognition of Awards from Fellow Bloggers « Living In The Now

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