Liebster Blog Award

  Dominic of Standing in an Open Field (and Vanishing Narrative) generously nominated Zen Being for the Liebster Blog award, for which those blogs with less than 200 followers are eligible.  Thank you to Dominic, who is always reminding his readers to remove the “I” from from their perspectives.

Those nominated have the opportunity to nominate five other inspiring blogs with less than 200 followers to receive the award.  In the hopes that others will enjoy these lovely blogs as much as I do…

A Leaf in Springtime

Bowl of Miso

One Breath Meditation

Dangerous Linda

Auburn Meadow Farm


Filed under Whatchamacalit

15 responses to “Liebster Blog Award

  1. Hi, Angela! ~

    What a nice surprise! Thank you very much for this honor! XOXO

  2. This is awesome, thank you. I just have trouble finding other blogs to nominate! This one will be easier because it’s only 5, but what should I do about the versatile blogger if I dont know 15 good blogs?

    • Well, you could certainly nominate those you do know and like; and, you might consider venturing into reading a few other blogs. I’ve found that clicking on the commenters of blogs that I read has really enlarged my appetite for reading and writing, because the commenters often have marvelous blogs, too. I ‘follow’ those blogs that I like, which leads to more and more blogs that I find out about and read and comment upon; I’ve made lots of friends that way and expanded the number of my own blog’s readers and followers significantly. Hope that helps?

  3. Congratulations my dear Angela! You are spoiling me 😀 Thank you so much. I love that you think of me so often. Have an awesome day! Shaz

  4. Thanks for the kind mention ! – d

  5. Congratz! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

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